Sunday, May 20, 2012

From The Desk Of Arlene B Mitchell: On Arlene Brown Mitchell Blog Talk

 I will be talking to New York State Senator Ruben Diaz (D) 32nd Senate District , Dr. Alveda King  (Pastoral Associate and Director of Afican-American Outreach with Priests for Life and Founder of King for America) and my good friend Thea Ramirez (Founder of Adoption-Share).

Topic to be discussed: Why the national conversation regarding life issues pertaining to the unborn seems explosive and divisive in nature and how adoption is able to neutralize these conflicting emotions while offering a life affirming option to abortion.

 Our discussion will cover all aspects choices as well as the choice of adoption. All three of my guests have great value in human life and have fought causes to protect it. Talking with them, getting their opinions and thoughts on the subject is very important because they are doing what they do to help and make life better, easier and healthier for the people that believe in them. Below I have links to all of their sites so that you can read up on them and find out what they have done and what they are doing.

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