I would really appreciate if you gave me a moment of your time. I have helped many people and I don't mind because I do love it and I have been asked by different people "How can I help you?" I almost always say just spread my name around and that's it. I don't know if I am writing you this at the right time or not but take a moment and check out my sight because I could use a little help from you to get to my goal and believe me it can and will help everyone!
I hope you are ready for the NEW "Oprah" named Arlene because I am trying to move from ITV to mainstream television, internet radio to on the FM and do several documentaries to submit to PBS!!! If you can please send it to some of your family, friends or anyone that can help and make sure I have your name so that I can send your perks.
This is what I wrote to them and I have been working on it ever since.
3 May *Arlene Brown.Media* *Arlene Brown.Media* @arlenebrownmedia
@pbs Wanted to know how I can get my upcoming documentry on the station?
their answer was
@arlenebrownmdia good info to start w/ is here: http://www.pbs.org/producing/ also, you should follow @pbsprogramming
Please click the link read then decide
I would really appreciate your help,,
Arlene Brown.Media
Email: arlenebrown.media@live.com
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